Stand Out As The Employer of Choice in Your Community!

Child Care Leaders -

It's Your Time To Win

The Recruiting Game

Attract the staff you desire

Don't settle for anyone less than who you and your vision deserve

& Inspire a community of followers to be excited about your vision...

... Eliminate the heartbreak that comes from no-shows and break that pattern for good! People will show up for you!

Child Care Leaders -

It's Your Time To Win

The Recruiting Game

✓ Attract the staff you desire

✓ Don't settle for anyone less than who you and your vision deserve

& Inspire a community of followers to be excited about your vision...

... Eliminate the heartbreak that comes from no-shows and break that pattern for good! People will show up for you!

The doors are now open for you to step into the Winners' Circle With Julie Bartkus! You'll WIN the recruiting game!

Discover Julie's Process...



So, what is the Winners' Circle?

The Winners' Circle is a virtual course and coaching program designed to help you WIN the recruiting game! We combine Mindset Shifts, Law of Attraction Principles and time-tested, results-getting Strategies to help you attract the best staff ever in record time!

You'll be the person in your community who everyone looks at and asks: How is she attracting all of those amazing people to work for her?

Would you like to:

➔ Attract the BEST job candidates ever?

➔ Hire people who are truly excited to work for you?

➔ Set your new team members up for success so they get more and more excited to work for you with each passing day?

If you answered YES, then I'm really glad you're here. You see, I've dedicated the past 20++ years of my life transforming child care workplaces....and I'm excited to get your transformation started!

But how can you achieve this especially when everyone else is struggling? And you're struggling too!

It's actually a lot easier than you think when you have support & a plan!

It's my 5-part framework (D.A.N.C.E.) for attracting and hiring the BEST staff ever that will make all the difference and help you attract staff fast!  

Gain clarity on Who it is that you truly DESIRE

One of the first steps in winning the recruiting game is to get clear about who your dream team members are. Too often leaders don't let themselves dream because they think they have to settle for less than an ideal candidate. This program kicks off by challenging your thinking and up leveling your mindset! 

ALIGN yourself with the right people

Alignment is key to attracting and hiring the right staff. You've got to have a strong compelling vision and ask interview questions to ensure you are aligned with the team members you hire.

This program makes these steps fun and an incredibly worthwhile process. 

NURTURE the people who you want to work for you

It's all about relationship building.  Too often leaders miss essential steps that really connects job candidates and new team members with the vision.  And if there's no connection - there's little commitment. So we really want to create processes that nurture and support people every step of the way.  

Project CONFIDENCE in every step

Confidence crosses mindset and action! You see, there's something very powerful at work that has to do with why people will want to work for you. They must feel like their life will be better because you're in it. But when you don't have confidence in yourself, your program or your vision - people will FEEL it and they will think that something is off.

Create an authentic ENERGY 

It's the energy behind the intent that will get you results. If you're hiring from a place of fear and desperation - you'll attract fearful and desperate people. Many leaders feel the fear and take action centered around that energy.  When we change that energy the true magic happens and you start attracting the BEST staff ever!

Not sure where to start the transformation?

This program will guide you every step of the way.  Every action step is broken down to help you get the transformational results that Julie's clients have been getting for over 20 years. By joining this group program - you'll have accountability and support all rolled into a nice little package for a fraction of the cost of working with Julie privately.

Want to know why child care leaders struggle to attract and hire the right team members?

You might struggle hiring right from the start because:

➔ You have so much to do and everyone needs so much from you

➔ You feel "trapped" with the staff you do have, thinking you won't be able to replace them if they leave 

➔ You feel fear and desperation and are trying to attract and hire staff from that energy

➔ You wonder how you will blend these new amazing team members with your existing staff

➔ You don't really believe it's possible to attract the team of your dreams

➔ You simply don't know where to start

The Winners' Circle will transform your results because:

➔ You will have positive support that will help you develop solutions that work...and work fast

➔ You'll be working Julie's D.A.N.C.E. Framework for attracting and hiring the BEST staff ever

➔ You'll be well equipped with simple processes that will help you break down barriers between your existing staff and new staff just joining your team

➔ You'll be prompted to take small action steps every day that will totally transform your results and show you that a different reality is possible

And what about the 3 biggest complaints child care leaders have when it comes to hiring right?

There aren't any good staff out there

This is such an easy statement to believe but perhaps it's time to break through those limiting beliefs and transform your reality. It's like what Henry Ford said so many years ago: Whether you think you can or you think you can't you'll prove yourself right every single time.

Everyone is struggling so there's not much I can do

You'll hear it from so many child care leaders out there that there's no good staff to be found. This can make it feel like there's only one reality unfolding for everyone... making the staff shortage very real. However, the truth is that not everyone is struggling. There are plenty of child care programs who are fully staffed.

I can't pay enough to get the BEST people

Pay is only one factor in hiring the best people. And research shows that it's not the number one factor. as long as you pay competitively in comparison to most child care programs in your area - you're good. Aligning with people who are onboard and excited about your vision is the most important strategy to focus on. We're going to have a blast doing this and watching your results transform!

This is for you if you:

  • Need to attract staff fast so you can grow.

  • Have some team members who you need to replace but don't feel confident that you can attract the right staff so you keep hanging on to the wrong people

  • Hear "crickets" when you post your Help Wanted Ad or you continuously attract the wrong people with your Ad
  • Don't know where to start when it comes to creating a Help Wanted Ad that will draw amazing job candidates to you like a magnet
  • Want to escape "crisis mode" hiring and feeling desperate in the process of trying to find people to work for you
  • Want to have FUN attracting a community of followers to be a part of your vision

What would it be worth to you to attract and hire the BEST?

Here's what it's meant to others...

Mary Wardlaw, Owner

To any child care owner or director who is thinking about working with Julie - do it! Amazing staff began to come in off the street to join my team, even turning down higher-paying positions to be part of my vision. With Julie's mentoring, I've not only transformed my business, but I've made changes in my mindset that have impacted my life.

Cindy Andrews, Owner

It’s so amazing to go to work not fearing what’s going to happen throughout the day. It’s just really a peaceful feeling knowing I can attract people when I need them. I went from people not showing up for interviews or turning over pretty quickly to being able to connect with people on a deep level through my vision and mindset. 

Katie Clinton, Executive Director

We have such a great atmosphere right now that I didn’t have any turnover at the start of the school year, which has never happened before working with Julie! We have such a positive vibe going on, we’re always attracting great people! We attract people who want to be a part of what we have to offer even though we don’t pay as well as others or have benefits. And now – when people interview for a job, they try to sell me on why I should hire them!

Tami Nix, Owner

Investing in Julie’s programs was the BEST decision I made.

Julie has this incredible insight to be able to look at a child care business and communicate the specific action steps that need to be taken to create an excellent culture including a motivated team.

Since working with Julie we have attracted some of the best staff members possible.

The Winners' Circle Will Help You:

  • Create Help Wanted Ads that open up the floodgates to a new flow of candidates who are excited and eager to work for you. 
  • Refine your interview process so you weed the wrong people out fast - saving you tons of time.
  • Develop interview questions so your amazing new hire keeps on being amazing after they start working for you.
  • Feel confident in the choices you're making when it comes to the staff you hire.
  • Set your new team members up for success right from the start as opposed to throwing them into the flames and hope they figure it out.

Let's take a look at what's included in your journey...

Private Coaching Session With Julie

We'll clear your blockages and identify the areas where you're stuck when in comes to attracting and and hiring the team of your dreams. This will leave you feeling inspired and ready to tackle the next steps!

8 Training Modules

8 Training Modules await! Binge watch all of these modules or work through them one-by-one with your leadership team. The most important thing is that you take consistent action. You decide on your pace and we'll support you through each step. There are also a few bonus segments included and the course is continuously being updated based on our members' needs. One new BONUS that's being added is an e-book featuring over 50 sample Help Wanted Flyers that your colleagues have posted on social media. It's yours!

Q&A Calls

These are LIVE Q&A calls with Julie. Come and share your frustrations, challenges and wins. We LOVE to help you overcome the places where you're feeling stuck and... we LOVE to celebrate every win with you. It's a perfect time to work with Julie to revamp your Help Wanted Ads, Interview Process, Interview Questions, and more.

Post in Our Private Community

This is a brand new feature that we're so excited to include. This will give you extra support and accountability as you work through each module in the program. You can post sample Help Wanted Ads and Interview Questions. We can create effective processes and posts that you can use on your social media. We're playing full out in this course so you WIN and WIN BIG!

Bring Your Vision and Story To Life

Yes, we work on your Vision and Story in this program. As a matter of fact, they are the focal point for your Help Wanted Ads and recruitment efforts. We want your new staff to feel so connected to you and your vision they wouldn't think about working anywhere else.

Create personalized interview questions to help you weed the riff-raff out

This is a big success strategy - If you want to hire better staff, you have to ask better interview questions. And I'm not just talking about any "good" questions that you find in a book or on-line. I'm talking about personalized interview questions specifically designed to meet your goals! You'll learn Julie's process for creating Interview questions that help you hire right from the start!

* PLUS *

I'm going to throw in some BONUSES to ensure you WIN the recruiting game. 

Bonus 1:
Private Community

We've created our own Winners' Circle Community where you can ask questions, share what you're working on and get feedback.

We're very excited about this new addition to the Winners' Circle as it will add a layer of accountability to the program. 

Bonus 2:
Bring a Friend 

Don't go it alone! Grab a friend and let the adventure begin!

Leaders often want to work through the program with their Co-Director so with your registration you'll get 2 user IDs and passwords so you can access the member's portal and community.

Bonus 3: 
Private Session With Julie

You will get a warm welcome including a one-on-one session with Julie (with the one-pay option) to help you set some exciting goals and get your journey started right! The ideas and strategies that Julie will share with you during this session will blow you away and create the path for success!

40 Applicants in 2 days! Tune in...

Oh, Julie...this looks good BUT... 

I would prefer a monthly or annual plan. Please add me to your waitlist! I can't wait to create a team that is Happy Together!

Oh, and I can't forget...


With this program you'll get:

1. Forever access to the recorded sessions! Can't start right away - no problem! The program will be there for you when you're ready to start!2. Course updates! As I update the course - you'll get access to all updates.3. A private community where you can ask questions and share what you're working on for accountability. Need feedback on an Ad? Need help deciding on a candidate? We're here for you.4. 8 LIVE Q&A sessions with Julie Bartkus!

Total Value = Well, what's the real value of attracting and hiring the BEST staff ever?  



$997 One-Time!

A one time payment covers you for life! You'll get course updates and more!

YES! A one-time payment is perfect!

$500/2 pay

2 monthly payments of $500.00 is available to help you make signing up for this program a no-brainer!

Yes, 2 monthly paymenets is for me!

Join The Happy Together Waitlist for monthly/annual plans.

I've Still Got Questions

No problem - check out the most frequently asked ones below...

Are you ready to WIN the recruiting game and attract & hire your dream team?

We're waiting to welcome you into the Winners' Circle! You'll be in good company with child care leaders who are fast-tracking their results and feeling inspired, hopeful and enthusiastic. This is a one-of-a-kind program brought to you by internationally known speaker, consultant and coach, Julie Bartkus. Julie is the best-selling author of "Child Care Business Success" and has dedicated the past 20 years of her life transforming child care programs.    

Let's get your new adventure started

👉 Yes! I'm Ready 👈

Are you ready to WIN the recruiting game and attract & hire your dream team?

We're waiting to welcome you into the Winners' Circle! You'll be in good company with child care leaders who are fast-tracking their results and feeling inspired, hopeful and enthusiastic. This is a one-of-a-kind program brought to you by internationally known speaker, consultant and coach, Julie Bartkus. Julie is the best-selling author of "Child Care Business Success" and has dedicated the past 20 years of her life transforming child care programs.    

Let's get your new adventure started

👉 Yes! I'm Ready