To Success Vault

A Framework For Resolving Conflicts

I remember asking my audience:

Do you have a CRS? One of the leaders yelled out:

Yes, I can't remember _ _ _ _!!

(Get it? CRS.. Can't Remember...!)

I said well, that might be true but that's not the CRS I'm talking about.

I told her that CRS is a Conflict Resolution System. And many organizations are missing having this important framework outlined for their team.

Staff members need to know:

1. What is a conflict?
2. How do we resolve them?
3. Is there a protocol for setting up a meeting to work through an issue?
4. When do I involve my leaders in the resolution?

Many organizations simply state:

If you have a problem with a co-worker - work it out directly with that person.

And then they find out that issues don't get resolved and people are walking around wounded in the workplace not knowing what to do.

This is where your Staff Handbook can set people up for success. Inside of it include your CRS and give team members a framework for resolving conflicts.

This in itself can make a huge difference in your team's happiness.

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