Winner's Circle: Winning The Recruiting Game

8 Weeks To Play and Win!

*Create Help Wanted Ads that pull the right candidates into your Winner's Circle (your team!)!

*Set goals for the 8 weeks and celebrate every one of them together.

*Gain extreme clarity about who you want to attract.

*Bring your vision and story to life.

*Create your personalized (layered) interview process to help you attract the perfect staff for you.

*Create personalized interview questions to help you weed the riff-raff out.

*Attract and hire new team members.

Julie will personally be coaching you to get the results you desire with a weekly Implementation Session and a weekly Q&A call.


"We can't get people to stop applying with us!"

Haley, Director

Payment Details:

  • $997.00 one-time registration fee... with replay access!
  • Payment will be deducted from your Credit Card automatically and you'll be emailed a receipt from either Stripe.

    BONUS (limited to first 10):

    Bring a friend for FREE with your registration. So 2 for 1!

    Each registrant will receive a special Winner's Gift and access to our member's portal.

Is this for me?:

  • This is for you if you:
    *Need to attract staff fast so you can grow.

    *Have some team members who you need to replace but don't feel confident that you can attract the right staff so you keep hanging on to the wrong people

    *Hear "crickets" when you post your Help Wanted Ad or you continuously attract the wrong people with your Ad

    *Don't know where to start when it comes to creating a Help Wanted Ad that will draw amazing job candidates to you like a magnet

    *Want to escape "crisis mode" hiring and feeling desperate in the process of trying to find people to work for you

    *Want to have FUN attracting a community of followers to be a part of your vision

What happens next:

After you complete your registration, you'll be emailed the details.

A few of Julie's Rave Reviews:

We have such a great atmosphere right now that I didn’t have any turnover at the start of the school year, which has never happened before working with Julie! We have such a positive vibe going on, we’re always attracting great people! We attract people who want to be a part of what we have to offer even though we don’t pay as well as others or have benefits. And now – when people interview for a job, they try to sell me on why I should hire them!

Katie Clinton

Ok- I’m a believer! Really struggled to change my negative mindset. Worked through the homework; focused on what I desired and put up a job post. Within an hour I got the most PERFECT candidate!! This is for a job we have been trying to fill off/on for 2 years. I actually squealed when I read it! Good thoughts bring good things!

Heather Warren, Owner

Investing in Julie’s programs was the BEST decision I made. Julie has this incredible insight to be able to look at a business and communicate the specific action steps that need to be taken to create an excellent culture including a motivated team. Since working with Julie we have attracted some of the best staff members possible.

Tami Nix, Owner

Amazing staff began to come in off the street to join my team, even turning down higher-paying positions to be part of my vision. With Julie's mentoring, I've not only transformed my business, but I've made changes in my mindset that have impacted my life in every area.

Mary Wardlaw

$997.00 USD